Regardless of the precipitating factor, patients who develop kidney failure in the course of alcoholic cirrhosis have a grave prognosis. Alcohol can induce abnormally high phosphate levels (i.e., hyperphosphatemia) as well as abnormally low levels. Alcohol consumption apparently leads to excessive phosphate levels by altering muscle cell integrity and causing the muscle cells to release phosphate. This transfer of phosphate out of muscle cells and into the bloodstream results in an increased amount of phosphate passing through the kidneys’ filtering system. In response, reabsorption of phosphate diminishes and excretion in urine increases in an effort to return blood levels of this ion to normal. “Beer drinkers’ hyponatremia” is a syndrome that appears to result from an intake of excessive fluid in the form of beer.

But it’s not that common, and doctors don’t know exactly why it happens. It might be a lack of water, injury to the bladder, or the breakdown of more red blood cells in aerobic mixing lexapro and alcohol exercise. When your liver isn’t functioning well, it can impair blood flow to your kidneys. “Liver disease can have significant impacts on the kidneys,” says Dr. Bobart.

  1. Along with seeing blood, you might feel like you have to go all the time, and it could burn when you do.
  2. Treatment for alcohol addiction is also necessary to prevent a relapse of alcoholic ketoacidosis.
  3. If you’re extremely dehydrated, you could possibly have bloody urine.

For this reason, people with bladder cancer typically need follow-up tests for years after treatment to look for bladder cancer that recurs. Bladder cancer most often begins in the cells (urothelial cells) that line the inside of your bladder. Urothelial cells are also found in your kidneys and the tubes (ureters) that connect the kidneys to the bladder.

Scientists Finally Figure Out Why Urine is Yellow

Without prompt treatment, your bladder infection can progress to a kidney infection, so don’t try to push through it. If you do choose to drink alcohol, limit your intake to no more than one to two drinks per day. A drink in this instance is equivalent to a 5 oz glass of wine, 12 oz beer, or a single shot (1.5 oz) of 80-proof hard liquor. It’s unclear why this might occur, but experts warn that the risks of drinking alcohol don’t outweigh this potential benefit. Alcohol may also indirectly increase your risk of developing a UTI, which can cause kidney or abdominal pain.

But sometimes, especially if you’re older, you may not have any symptoms. UTIs are very common, and antibiotics can usually clear them up. One reason alcohol may affect the kidneys is through acute kidney injury.

When alcohol dehydrates (dries out) the body, the drying effect can affect the normal function of cells and organs, including the kidneys. In addition, alcohol can disrupt hormones that affect kidney function. Low blood levels of phosphate commonly occur acutely in hospitalized alcoholic patients, appearing in more than one-half of severe alcoholism cases.


If your doctor has prescribed one of these medicines, it’s because you have heart disease or another condition that increases your risk for clots. Alcohol may irritate your bladder, impact your body’s ability to fight infections, and increase the acidity of your urine. You can prevent alcoholic ketoacidosis by limiting your alcohol intake. You can learn how to reduce your alcohol intake or eliminate it altogether. Joining a local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous may provide you with the support you need to cope.

What Should I Drink if I Have Blood in My Urine?

Your doctor can suggest medicines to keep your bladder closed during sex. Alcohol can worsen the side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, such as nausea, dehydration, diarrhea, and mouth sores. If you’re having your period, blood from your vagina can get into your urine sample. Hematuria is classified as one of two types, depending on whether you can see the blood in your pee.

Kidney issues unrelated to alcohol

Getting enough water every day can prevent stones from forming and stop them from coming back. Aim to drink enough water to make your urine clear or light yellow. It’s not a disease but a symptom of an underlying condition or a side effect of some activities. To keep the kidneys functioning optimally and to maintain functional stability (i.e., homeostasis) in the body, a variety of regulatory mechanisms exert their influence. Alcohol can perturb these controls, however, to a degree that varies with the amount of alcohol consumed and the particular mechanism’s sensitivity. In a new study, scientists say they have figured out why urine is the color yellow.

These are signs that the kidneys are not working as they should, and they can be symptoms of acute kidney injury due to a high alcohol consumption. Moderate alcohol consumption should not cause kidney pain, but various factors may lead to kidney pain after a high intake. As with many tests, urine tests are not accurate 100% of the time. Someone may test negative for drinking alcohol when they have had alcohol recently. Most urine tests detect alcohol up to 12 hours after your last drink.

UTIs develop when bacteria enter the urinary tract and multiply in the bladder. Bacteria can be found on the skin near the opening of the vagina and rectum. It doesn’t usually how to build alcohol tolerance: the best tips from real experts pose a problem, but sometimes these bacteria enter the urethra. There is no urinary seal, but it is true that a person will urinate more often if they are drinking alcohol.

These results could be used to help study the links between the gut microbiome and health conditions such as jaundice and inflammatory bowel disease. But in people who drink heavily, there can be a rebound effect in which the bleeding risk increases, even after they’ve stopped drinking. Exceeding the recommended guidelines above is considered heavy drinking.

Can Alcohol Use Lead to Blood in Urine?

Even without binge drinking, regularly drinking too much too often can also damage the kidneys. Regular heavy drinking has been found to double the risk chronic kidney disease, which does not go away over time. Even higher risk of kidney problems has been found for heavy drinkers who also smoke. Smokers who are heavy drinkers have about five times the chance of developing CKD than people who don’t smoke or drink alcohol to excess. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that most American adults (two out of three) drink alcohol. Too often, some of these regular drinkers have more than five drinks at one time.

Conditions That Cause Blood in Your Urine

Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Not sure how long does alcohol stay in your system if you’ve realized, but you and peeing are in an extremely committed relationship. You’ve been doing it since you were born, after all, which means you have a solid idea of what your pee should look like.

Osmolality describes the ratio of particles in the blood to fluid. If a person has more fluid than particles, the kidneys release more urine. Your prognosis will be impacted by the severity of your alcohol use and whether or not you have liver disease. Prolonged used of alcohol can result in cirrhosis, or permanent scarring of the liver.